Warning: Massive
spoilers for the ending.
Don't read if
you don't want to know.
In this episode David plays a character named Eddie who has been looking after a mob bosses business while he's been in jail. In the opening scene has just gotten out of jail. He thanks Eddie for taking care of his daughter. We then see the first hint of animosity between Greg and Miya (played by Susan Gibney, who also played Suzanne Chapin in the Due South episode, You Must Remember This). Greg expresses his desire not to be forced into retirement and to resume his old business.
As a subplot Amanda gets involved with a foster child named Dionne who is being abused by his foster family. Amanda eventually becomes his foster mother.
There is a bimbo on the beach who's been hired to show Mr. G. the local "sights." Mr. G (who just happens to look like Dr. Sloan) reveals that he knows what she's up to and that she can tell his daughter that he will not be forced out.
The next time we see Mr. G he's with Eddie and his daughter looking at some property they are planning on turning into a hotel/ amusement park/ casino complex. After his daughter reveals that they don't own the land Greg says that he's taking over.
Later the daughter and her lawyer are talking and the lawyer tells her that she needs to either stand up to her father or to bow out. Miya says that her brother stood up to her father and now he's dead.
Dr. Sloan visits Pony land (the property that Miya wants to buy) and Chester (the owner) reveals that he's been offered a lot of money to sell Pony land. As Dr. Sloan is leaving Pony land his tire is shot out because Miya thinks that he's her father.
Next time we see Eddie he's is with everyone else watching a demonstration of some virtual reality software that they are going to use for Gangland.
Dr. Sloan and Steve visit Pony land only to discover that Chester has been killed. When Steve talks to Chester's nephew Lucas he gives Steve's Miya's number as someone who is interested in the property.
Later on Dr. Sloan is kidnapped by some of Miya's people because they mistook him for Greg. They take Dr. Sloan to this cabin and Miya visits him. They then proceed to have a thoroughly confusing conversation since neither one of them really know what they are talking about. Trish then comes in and helps Dr. Sloan to escape.
After Dr. Sloan escapes him and his double are on the same road. A sniper then manages to shot Greg. He is rushed to the hospital and Jesse operates. When he wakes up Amanda is there pouring her heart out to him. When he asks "Who are you?" and then goes back to sleep Amanda goes into the hall where she then sees Dr. Sloan. At that point the doubles are then introduced to each other.
Trish and Miya are talking. They get a phone call saying that Greg's been shot. By Miya's lack of
reaction Trish figures out that Miya must have been behind the shooting.
Later Dr. Sloan visits Greg again and Greg hits Dr. Sloan over the head with a bed pan, and the
proceeds to tie him up, stick him in a closet and take his place.
Greg then goes to Trish's apartment. She says that she has to go get stuff so that she can change
his dressing. After she leaves she calls someone to tell him where he is going to be. She then comes
in and tells Greg that she called his daughter so she wouldn't worry and that his daughter wants to
meet him at the sunset strip. Greg then goes to the beach and these two surfer guys try to kidnapped him but he escapes.
Eddie visits Trish at her apartment and reveals to us that he is behind everything. Trish says that
she doesn't want to do it anymore and when Eddie threatens her she says that she's set up an
e-mail program to automatically send an e-mail to Miya telling her what Eddie is doing unless she's
there to push a button to delay it. At that Eddie leaves.
Miya visits Pony land but her refuses to sell. Eventually she does convince him. She then goes
to a warehouse and Greg hold a gun on her. Eddie comes in shooting and Greg is shot. Greg ends
up dying.
Miya, Dr. Sloan, and Steve have to come up with a plan to get Eddie to confess so Miya doesn't
have to testify against him. In exchange for the land Dr. Sloan will impersonate Greg to get Eddie to
confess. Dr. Sloan calls Eddie and they agree to a golf came.
They then meet on the golf course and after Eddie is convinced that it really is Greg they play.
As the game goes on Dr. Sloan is trying to get Eddie to confess but he never comes right out and
says it. Once they get to the last hole Eddie bets Dr. Sloan a thousand dollars that he can't make
that shot. Dr. Sloan does and then Eddie says "I put a bullet in you and and you still get an eagle."
Once they get back to the club house the cops start to move in but one of Eddie's guys tips him
off so he hops on a bike (and I mean a bicycle here) and rides away. Steve chases him and
eventually cuffs him.
In the last scene they are all celebrating Steve's birthday at Pony land.![]()